Enjoyed this interview. I think I’ll give Brave Search a try instead of DuckDuckGo.

I haven’t read the full interview about Brave Search yet… but the first thing I did when I installed Firefox is use it as my default search engine. I don’t search too much, but it has been a real joy so far.

Purple Zone. Soft Cell and Pet Shop Boys, what a combo. I think many Brits of 40+ will appreciate this.

The yearly “dancing” musical fountain display started today in Bitan (碧潭). It will continue half-hourly each evening for a month or so.

It starts with just a single sticker, and before long…

First time roasting cashews

The ride home 🏍

Started reading: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (Audiobook) 📚 / Book List

This is the first audiobook I’ve borrowed from a library, using the Libby app and OverDrive. It’s fantastic, and all free.

On the road again 🏍

Finished reading: From Far Formosa by George Leslie MacKay 📚 ★★★★½ / Book List

This year is 150 years since MacKay moved to Taiwan, where he lived as a missionary for over 20 years. It’s very eloquently written, and full of interesting information. Keeping a copy.

Dragon boats (龍舟) 🛶

Just got out of The Batman. Really enjoyed it. “Thumb drive” cracked me up. 🎥

Huge incoming coffee stash, thanks to @ghm and Horsham Coffee Roaster. Not sure where to start…

Just watched Drive My Car at the cinema. Thoroughly recommended. 🎥🍿

Reading more recently about the personal library on IndieWeb, and I’ve started mine off by taking decent photographs of some of my books. I’m not sure yet what form the library will take, but I’m enjoying thinking about it. 📚

Wall made of coral “bricks”

Basalt rock waterfall (石瀑)

John Gruber on Daring Fireball, about iMessage:

I’d pay an extra $5/month to Apple for iCloud if it included a middle-finger Tapback. Just that one.