Staying in the brand new (built this year) My Stays (マイステイズ) Hotel in Hamamatsucho (浜松町), which is very close to the Tokyo Tower - less than 1km I would guess. The room is on the 14th floor so I have a great view of the tower. Of course being Tokyo it's certainly not an unobstructed view, but it's good enough for me!

 Despite having been to Tokyo more times than I can count on my hands, I've never visited Tokyo Tower. (Well it's just a smaller and less impressive Eiffel Tower isn't it, and I've been to the top of that.) Anyway I very much doubt I will make the trip up the tower tomorrow, but will instead just spend some time walking around Shiba Park as it looks to have some very beautiful old buildings and structures inside and out.

 Here are a few photos of the view from our hotel room window.